Photo provided by: S W🐺 🤲🏽 (@alliswell_2x)
The power of not having a 'Plan B.'
Surviving is not created equal in life. Millions of people wake up daily in hostility, systemic racism, poverty, mental and physical abuse, and economic suppression. Some people never experience the beauty of life's sunshine. They are constantly shrouded in darkness and uncertainty.
Experiencing life's worst moments can breed inspiration.
Tragedy has an unusual way of pushing people to the brink of greatness or extinguishing their dreams. Dreams manifest from the depths of pain and liberation. Major Recording Artist AllisWell's life story is not typical, average, or designed for seeking a path of least resistance.
AllIsWell was created to inspire, empower, and educate the next generation.
AllIsWell creates music that penetrates people's hearts and travels to the deepest parts of their souls. AllisWell's lyrics narrate intricate and explicit experiences of love, lust, relationship failures, insecurities, and family ties. Pursuing dreams with two strikes against you is very abnormal. Being born male and black is a complicated mixture in America.
God gifted AllIsWell with the ability to sing. His voice provides a unique vibration, energy, and sense of hope to people worldwide. Hearing someone singing is a divine moment. Their voice, tone, and spirit captivate people's minds.
AllIsWell latest R&B smash, 'Belong 2', has received critical acclaim from IHeartRadio programmers. 'Belong 2' is now playing in heavy rotation on DA BLAZE 88.7 XM Miami powered by iHeartRadio. DA BLAZE 88.7 XM Miami is a multimedia partner of MUSICHYPEBEAST and RADIOPUSHERS.