Working as an underground artist trying to stand tall on your feet isn’t easy, but with strategy, vibing at a high vibration, and faith all things are possible. Many people talk about manifesting things into their realities and become obsessed with different “techniques” or ways to guarantee that what they are manifesting will work. The secret is that the only technique you need is your vibration, if you want to be famous you have to start vibing at the same frequency a famous person does, you have to feel famous first before you start to see results. If you want to be an actor you have to become an actor in your heart before your films become successful. Hard work is admirable but your frequency and mindset are what’s going to get you far. I’m hoping that a have an audience who is with me the entire time to see these things pay off in my life. My goal is for my story to reach as many people as possible to encourage them to tap into their own power.