Photo provided by: MR.PYREX (@restbx)


Dreams are worth more than money.   

Believing in yourself when the world doesn't define the phrase 'BETONYOURSELF.' Being a visionary is lonely, scary, death-defying, exhilarating, and life-changing. Converting thoughts into reality represents God's plan. The distance between now or never is immeasurable. Manifestation has its own time zone, and visionaries understand this ideology.   

To become legendary, one must conquer their personal demons, overcome fears, and go against the grain. Disrupting pop culture embodies the essence of entrepreneurship. Living by your own rules and defying conventional wisdom requires a relentless spirit and energy. IAMRe$t understands the value of his dreams.   


IAMRe$t isn't looking over his shoulder in 2022  


IAMRe$t is a self-made underground king in the world of Hip-Hop. Staring into his eyes, you see passion, ferocity, calculated rage, unparalleled discipline, and a natural-born leader.  

IAMRe$t music illuminates the beauty of struggle and mastery of creative genius. IAMRe$t lyrics narrate a distinctive blueprint of hustling, street codes, decoded life lessons, unconditional love, and betting on yourself. 

Growing up in the concrete jungle of New York isn't for the light-hearted. Every day IAMRe$t is faced with life and death situations. Rap music creates a bridge to his destiny.  

His latest single, 'OUTSIDE,' reflects New York Hip-Hop's authentic and raw texture. 'OUTSIDE' caught the attention of DJ WESWILL, who holds the head of radio programming for DA BLAZE 88.7 XM Miami. DA BLAZE 88.7 XM Miami is powered by iHeartRadio. 

IAMRe$t locked in a strategic digital partnership with RADIOPUSHERS in 2022.   


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