You were recently accused of being an AI model on social media platforms. Tell us about that.
Yes, I was. To be honest, it is interesting because I did not understand the reasoning behind it. Why would I be AI? I thought to myself: I look so normal in my videos, trying to make more realistic/satire POV videos and the least thing was on my mind that people would accuse me of being a robot.
AI is taking over. How do you feel about the AI phenomenon?
Very mixed. I read a couple of weeks ago that a few influencers already made an AI version of themselves and made thousands of dollars in a day with simply voice messages. For me I would just feel like deceiving my long-time followers with that. I don’t want that to happen.
There are AI models getting paid millions of dollars. Do you have any comments to share?
I mean it is kind of odd if you ask me. They aren’t even real people. People behind them are getting paid and we don’t get to see their persona, only the AI they are controlling/ handling. It is taking money out of real influencer’s pockets who are working hard to have a platform and represent themselves as a brand.
Have you ever wondered about replicating yourself with AI on social media?
No, not really. I think part of being an influencer is that you must be authentic. If I replace myself with an artificial intelligence created person, I will lose my human likeliness. I like to share photos of my bad days such as bad skin day, tears, waves of depression. Everything what people go through daily. So, they feel less “alone”. Society already painted an unrealistic image of celebrities and social media influencers meaning that they are always flawless, living a perfect life with photo shootings and travels. Which is far from the truth.
Your videos are so robotic on Instagram, no wonder people got confused.
I mean, I follow a certain pattern, but they are 100% me.
Are you using any APP to enhance or boost them?
I like to edit the background voice since the public can be a little loud around me. I also fix my makeup if I see something is off in the editing process.
Are you worried about AI taking over social media?
Yes, in a way. AI has many pros and cons. But the concept is at a very rapid growing pace. I can’t even imagine how fast people would just switch over to AI users. I mean there are already websites with virtual girlfriends for a monthly subscription. So weird.
See for yourself, follow me on Instagram as Instagram, X, TikTok and also on IMDB! Thank you so much.