'Millennial', creative and disciplined, Steanie Naaji, 34, fights hard on her social media to guide many people to have a healthy lifestyle and in humanitarian advocacy.
She is a lifestyle blogger and influencer who enjoys traveling. Her sensitive eye for beauty has allowed her to build a brand on a foundation of celebrating femininity, creating a new appreciation of elegance for today's women. With high doses of inspiration, aesthetic sense, and intuition, she brings a personal and fun vision of her knowledge to inspire many.
She attended Barbizon Modeling School in the United States when she was 13 and began working from age 16, from retail to major corporations around the world. She attended Northeastern University, where she studied Finance and Accounting Management. She also served in the U.S. Air Force as a consultant for a top-tier international company.
Drawing on her personal experience as a divorced wife and mother of one, Steanie has helped guide many people to a healthy lifestyle.
She assures that, although she is a single mother, she values the family home more and prefers to promote the family unit.
WEBSITE URL www.officialsteanienaaji.com
INSTAGRAM @officialsteanienaaji