"Fashion Industry Website" AI has been one of the most revolutionary forms of fashion innovation in the 20th century. With increased technology integration, the $3 Trillion global fashion industry has truly begun to connect the digital world with the physical realm. From smart wearables to recyclable jeans, there are multiple applications of AI that the fashion industry is adopting. 


Elucid Magazine - Artificial Intelligence


AI is a supporting force 

Alexa, what should I wear today?


For many Fashion Industry Website, including technology and marketing, AI is a disruptive force that is transforming the way that industry is run. However, in the case of the fashion industry, it is only supplementing how business is done. There are various applications of this technology that the industry is leveraging today.

Starting from the mobile e-commerce side of things, AI has improved search results quality, automatic image processing, and providing better recommendations. This means that customers are able to find the right product at the right time. Mobile AI applications are improving each year, with major investments from e-commerce giants such as Amazon and Walmart. Brands like ASOS and Neiman Marcus are doing so on their apps.

AI has also entered the domain of trends deciphering. Where this action was previously led by art designers and stylists, is now being shaped by data scientists. Here is where art truly meets science. Science can uncover new insights and the art can refine upon those core ideas.

Additionally, AI can finally provide unlimited personalization. When your customers desire a specific product or want a certain style, AI can automatically create iterations and pre-sell clothes that haven’t been designed yet. AI becomes a sales executive at scale. Leveraging the power of trial and error, and rapid iterating, AI can find new styles emerging from consumer demand.

Creativity is still key

While relying on AI is critical, depending on it to succeed isn’t a workable strategy. The fashion industry still needs creativity and find a real demand in the marketplace. From Echo Texting Gloves to Ringly, there have been various technology integrations into the fashion sphere. However, the question at hand has always been whether there is real demand.

Technology can only take us so far, and that’s where the criticisms about AI start to begin. Companies are relying too much on AI and launching new products that aren’t fully fleshed out. For larger brands, it is an experiment, but for smaller companies, it is a make-or-break situation.

Here are a few AI applications to watch.

AI Chat Box
Customers benefit from being able to work with experts who know their individual styles. That said, providing every customer with their own personal stylist isn’t feasible for any retailer. That’s why luxury fashion brands have begun developing and releasing chatbots that fill many of the same roles a personal stylist would. AI good or bad for the fashion industry website industry.

Connect your email and put your shopping receipts to work! This application not only shows you what you own but also shows you how to best style them. Laying down on your bed and thinking about what to wear next is over!

Using Image Recognition and Data Science - we extract catalog data, analyze it with user behavior and help your marketing, product, and cataloging teams get actionable insights that improve customer experiences, drive conversions and reduce costs.


Trend forecasting decisions are rarely backed with sufficient data. Stylumia brings you the best of consumer-loving trends backed with data-driven insights.

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